Mercedes-Benz: Highly automated up to 95 km/h on the highway

The Drive Pilot can take over the driving dynamics on the right-hand lane of German highways up to a speed of 95 km/h and follow another vehicle. Mercedes-Benz

Mercedes-Benz is introducing the next version of Drive Pilot
for highly automated driving (SAE Level 3) in Germany. The system can now
follow a driver in front on the highway at speeds of up to 95 km/h under
certain conditions. The new certification by the Federal Motor Transport
Authority is expected by the end of 2024, after which sales are expected to
start at the beginning of 2025. The price for the optional equipment remains
unchanged (from €5,950 incl. VAT). Customer vehicles that are already equipped
with the system can be updated free of charge on request. Depending on the
model, the update can be carried out wirelessly (OTA) or as part of a workshop
visit. No changes to vehicle components are necessary. Drive Pilot will
therefore be the world’s fastest Level 3 system in a production vehicle. In
Germany, the maximum permitted speed for highly automated driving is currently
130 km/h according to legislation. Mercedes-Benz aims to reach this milestone
step by step by the end of the decade. (jr)

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