Mobileye: Radar sensor enables camera/LiDAR-independent environment detection

The new radar sensor enables environment detection independent of cameras or LiDARs. Mobileye calls this concept True Redundancy. © Mobileye

Mobileye’s imaging radar was developed specifically for autonomous driving from the outset. It is characterized by a dynamic range of 100 dB, an aperture angle of 170° and a measurement rate of 0.5 million detections per second.

In contrast to conventional radar systems with limited object detection, Mobileye’s imaging radar has more detailed object detection capabilities with increased vertical resolution (elevation). This precise detection enables the system to recognize objects in challenging scenarios, such as stationary vehicles under a bridge. It generates a comprehensive point cloud that facilitates AV driving functions such as accurate lane assignment and the ability to react quickly at high speeds. The bounding boxes are generated using radar data only and within the perception layer.

Without camera or LiDAR support, the system can detect road users – pedestrians, motorcycles and cyclists – at a distance of 350 meters and identify potential hazards at a distance of up to 230 meters. It can also detect a child on the road at a distance of 150 meters, for example, if there is a bus ten meters in front of the radar-equipped vehicle.

Es ist zudem eine zuverlässige Erkennung von kleinen und schwach reflektierenden Objekten auf der Autobahn bei Geschwindigkeiten von bis zu 130km/h gewährleistet.

The radar sensor replaces short-range LiDAR in Mobileye platforms. (jr)

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