Intersection hazard: half-time in the DEKOR-X project

Since January 2023, the project teams have been conducting intensive research to make decentralized communication at intersections a reality. (© DEKOR-X)

In the DEKOR-X (Decentralized Communication Space Intersection) project, intelligent, automated vehicles exchange information from their sensors with each other, thereby increasing safety for everyone. On the one hand for the vehicles and their occupants themselves, and on the other hand for vulnerable and non-networked road users who are detected by a wide variety of sensors. The overarching goal is to make even complex situations in the inner-city intersection environment controllable for automated and autonomous vehicles by means of a very comprehensive, up-to-date image of the environment. In mid-July, consortium leader Valeo Germany invited the DEKOR-X project partners to a mid-term review at the 6th quarterly meeting at the research and development site in Kronach-Neuses

Valeo and Coburg University of Applied Sciences presented the ready-to-use closed test intersection. The three research scenarios will be tested and optimized under controlled conditions. Following the completion of the equipment for the public test intersection in March of this year, both test intersections are now ready for operation.

One focus for DENSO was on the areas of perception and fusion algorithms. The project partner completed an initial version of the localization module as a ROS2 node as part of the „Automated driving with distributed sensor technology“ sub-package.

The Chair of Communications Engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology is researching new methods for decentralized sensor data fusion in the project and presented the first results of a measurement campaign in Kronach-Neuss, which it had carried out with intelligent sensor vehicles in the run-up to the meeting. (oe)

Link to the project page