Interview: “Correct by design” replaces “correct by testing”

Reading time: 3 min; Overall rating: +++oo; Technical depth: Skilled; Access: Free after registration; Language: English

Dr. Stefan Poledna, Chief Technology Officer und Mitbegründer von TTTech Auto: "Die exponentielle Zunahme von Softwarekomponenten, Kommunikationsinteraktionen und Rechenleistung führt zu einer unüberschaubaren Anzahl von Testfällen."

Automotive Industries magazine’s interview with Dr. Stefan Poledna, Chief Technology Officer and co-founder of TTTech Auto, provides interesting insights into the challenges and solutions in the field of software-defined vehicles (SDVs). The interview focuses on MotionWise Schedule, an innovative software solution from TTTech Auto that revolutionizes the traditional approach to software testing while significantly increasing efficiency and reliability.

Poledna emphasizes that the traditional method of planning tasks manually and then carrying out extensive tests is no longer viable in the complex world of SDVs. Given the increasing integration of software and the ever more powerful central computing units, it is practically impossible to test all edge cases manually. The exponential increase in software components, communication interactions and computing power leads to an unmanageable number of test cases. This is where MotionWise Schedule comes in by automating this process and switching to a „correct-by-design“ model. This approach significantly reduces the testing effort, as many sources of error are already eliminated during the design process.

A notable aspect of MotionWise Schedule is the use of a time-triggered architecture (TTA), which enables precise control of resource allocation, Poledna continues. By incorporating models and various boundary conditions, the system can find optimally adapted solutions that would be almost impossible to achieve manually.

Finally, he discusses the flexibility of MotionWise Schedule (e.g. it can also be used to integrate data-driven workflows) and shows how end-to-end latency times can be guaranteed across multiple CPU cores and SoCs.

Overall, the interview provides an informative overview of MotionWise Schedule. However, questions remain as to how MotionWise Schedule can be scaled, e.g. with an even greater increase in software components and computing power, and what experience is already available with regard to practical application in real vehicle projects. (oe)

Link to the interview (free after registration)