Microchip has designed the microprocessors (MPUs) of the PIC64HX series for embedded applications with mixed criticality. In contrast to conventional MPUs, the PIC64HX is specially designed to meet the requirements of intelligent edge designs.
The 64-bit RISC-V MPUs are designed for artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) processing and feature integrated TSN (Time-Sensitive Networking) Ethernet connectivity and military-grade post-quantum security. The MPUs are primarily designed for fault tolerance, reliability, scalability and energy efficiency.
The integrated Ethernet switch includes TSN functions for new standards: IEEE P802.1DP TSN for onboard Ethernet communication in aerospace, IEEE P802.1DG TSN for Ethernet communication in vehicles and IEEE/IEC 60802 TSN for automation technology.
Eight 64-bit RISC-V CPU cores – SiFive Intelligence X280 – with vector extensions enable high-performance computing for mixed-criticality systems, virtualization and vector processing to accelerate AI workloads.
Die Cores der PIC64HX können Entwickler auf verschiedene Weise zur Implementierung von SMP-, AMP- oder Dual-Core-Lockstep-Operationen nutzen. Die WorldGuard-Hardware-Architektur wird unterstützt, um eine hardwarebasierte Isolierung und Partitionierung zu ermöglichen. (jr)